Forgotten realms pantheon
Forgotten realms pantheon

forgotten realms pantheon

Most of the elven pantheon, or the Seldarine, doubles as Gods of Good, as their evil gods were kicked out to form the aforementioned Drow Pantheon, though Gruumsh the evil Orc god has also been their major historical enemy.

forgotten realms pantheon

Also Tymora and Beshaba, the goddesses of good and bad luck respectively. He, with a little help from Shar, murdered Mystra in 1385, causing the Spellplague and allowing for the massive changes to the rules of magic in 4E.

  • Great Gazoo: Cyric, a thoroughly insane god hated by literally everyone else in the pantheon.
  • The original God of Death, Jergal, is still around, and serves as Kelemvor's Seneschal and all-around wallflower. The two preceding gods of death, Myrkul and Cyric, were not nearly so well-intentioned.

    forgotten realms pantheon

    Also a poster boy for Don't Fear the Reaper, as he hates necromancy with a passion and works to comfort the living and ensure that the dead rest in peace. God of Death: Currently Kelemvor the Lord of the Dead, an ascended mortal.Other majors are Gond the Wonderbringer, god of craftsmen, and Mystra, goddess of magic. God of Knowledge: Oghma the Lord of Knowledge is the leader.note She used to be the Mulhorandi goddess Bast, an aspect of the one from Egyptian Mythology. Her subordinates include Sharess the Dancing Lady, goddess of hedonism, sexuality, and cats. Love Goddess: Sune the Firehair, goddess of beauty and romantic love.He also rules over a quartet of weaker war gods ( Uthgar, Garagos, the Red Knight, and Valkur). As practically every soldier or warrior in the Realms offers a prayer to him or one of his aliases before battle, he is one of the most powerful gods in the whole pantheon. War God: Tempus the Lord of Battles, god of warfare in all its forms.Other major ones include Chauntea the Earth-Mother, goddess of agriculture, Mielikki, goddess of the forests, and Malar the Beastlord, god of savagery and their Token Evil Teammate. Nature God: Silvanus the Oak Father, god of wild nature.The Champions of Valor 3.5E supplement takes pains to point out that the good- and neutral-aligned deities far outnumber the evil ones in this setting and analyzes the implications. Lathander/Amaunator, god of the sun, also falls here. God of Good: The three gods of the Triad: Tyr the Maimed God, god of justice, Ilmater the Crying God, god of endurance and martyrs, and Torm the Loyal Fury, god of loyalty and duty.There's also Myrkul, god of death (not to be confused with Kelemvor, who is god of the dead), who was alive in 1E and 2E, killed during the transition to 3E, and resurrected in 5E. Other major ones include Shar the Mistress of the Night, goddess of darkness and nihilism, and Cyric the Prince of Lies, god of murder and deception. God of Evil: Multiple, with Bane the Black Lord, god of tyranny, being the most powerful.The Almighty Dollar: Waukeen, the merchant's friend, is the local goddess of money and wealth.Actual Pacifist: Eldath, Goddess of the Singing Waters.Some of it may be obsolete in the 3rd edition used by Forgotten Realms Cormyr.The human pantheon, also known as the Faerûnian Pantheon, is the most extensive by far so we'll just list the more widely known ones. The following link includes information based on D&D 2nd edition. Keptolo- dignity, intelligence and attentiveness, as well as catering to the vanity of the females of drow.society.Zinzerina-drow goddess of lies, assassins, and illusion after the Second Sundering.Eilistraee : Goddess of song, beauty, dance, swordwork, hunting, and moonlight.Kiaransalee : Goddess of undead, vengeance.Ghaunadaur :God of oozes, slimes, jellies, outcasts, ropers, rebels.Vhaeraun : God of thievery, drow males, evil activity on the surface.Lolth (formerly Araushnee) : Goddess of spiders, evil, darkness, chaos, assassins, drow.(Please note that many changes in this pantheon occurred in D&D 4th edition, but are not recognized on Forgotten Realms Cormyr that is set in 3rd edition and the time line is continuously moving.)

    Forgotten realms pantheon